- Awards
- Judging administration
- Judges’ handbooks and stationery
- See the current year’s awards
- See awards from past years. OCNZ judging began in 1978 and our records date from that time.
The OCNZ system of orchid judging is designed to recognise new or superior forms of orchid species and hybrids, leading to improvement in the shape and the colour of the flowers in all orchid genera. The system also gives recognition to the growers of plants showing superior culture. The following awards are available in the OCNZ judging system:
Quality awards:
First Class Certificate FCC/OCNZ, 90 or more points
Award of Merit AM/OCNZ, 80 or more points
Highly Commended Certificate HCC/OCNZ, 75 or more points
Cultural awards:
Certificate of Cultural Excellence CCE/OCNZ, 90 or more points
Certificate of Cultural Commendation CCC/OCNZ, 80 or more points
Other awards:
Award of Distinction AD/OCNZ
Certificate of Botanical Merit CBM/OCNZ
Plant Breeder’s Award PBA/OCNZ
The OCNZ judging system is administered by the Committee on Awards. The country is divided into 3 Regions (Northern, Central, and Southern), and in each region there are 4 local judging panels.
Committee on Awards (from June 2024)
Murray Dean (chair)
Jenny Hope
Joy Hopson
Graham Jackson
Gillian Lyster
Glenys MacRae
Ross Bicknell
Northern Region
Regional chair: Glenys MacRae
Chairs of local judging panels:
Northland: Adelaida Booth and Thomas Brown
Auckland: Glenys MacRae
Waikato: Maurice Bycroft
Bay of Plenty: Pam Signal
Central Region
Regional chair: Graham Jackson
Chairs of local judging panels:
Hawke’s Bay: Judy Dewar
Taranaki: Murray Dean
Manawatu: Allan Rae
Wellington: Nikki Gold
Southern Region
Regional chair: Gillian Lyster
Chairs of local judging panels:
Blenheim: Rosemary Clark
Nelson: Peter Fisher
Christchurch: Ross Bicknell
“Red Book” Principles of Award Judging, and Judging By-Laws
JudgesHbook 2017 edition (Red Book) updated 2023 (pdf file)
“Blue Book” Resource Manual (supplement to the Red Book)
Resource Manual v2 2014 ‘Blue Book’ (pdf file)
Form 4: Award Application form (2021 edition)