10th National Orchid Expo: Orchids & More 

The 10th National Orchid Expo took place at the Mystery Creek Event Centre near Hamilton from September 29-October 1 (Friday-Sunday). OCNZ would like to thank the Orchids & More organising committee for their efforts in making this event a reality and so enjoyable for all those who attended. The full set of results is available here by clicking on this link: 10th National Orchid Expo results

Oncidium Tiger Hambuhren x Holiday Gold grown by Susan and Ross Tucker was the Grand Champion plant and also won Champion Oncidiinae and Champion Hybrid. The plant was shown on the Tuckers Orchids display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Paphiopedilum lowii ‘Katipo’ AM/NZOS, grown by Jason Strong, was Reserve Champion and also won Champion Paphiopedilum and Champion Species. The plant had 3 long spikes and was shown on the award-winning Growing Zone display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Cattleya Alliance was Cattleya amethystoglossa, grown by Helen McDonald and shown on the award-winning Whangarei Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Cymbidium was Cym. Hungary Gala ‘Jane’, grown by Jane Napper and shown on the Waikato Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Phalaenopsis was Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3-Shelley’, shown by Lito Teope on the award-winning Waitakere Orchid Club display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Left: Lesley Newton (left) of the Canterbury Orchid Society grew the Champion Dendrobium, Den. Fairy Moon ‘Sweetie’ (seen on the right). Lesley is pictured at the prizegiving with OCNZ president Glenys MacRae. Photos: Sandra Simpson/Thomas Brown

Champion Pleione was Pln. Mambo, grown by Jenny Mair and shown on the Manawatu Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Pleurothallid Alliance was Dryadella zebrina grown by Rosanne Fisher and shown on the Nelson Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Sarcochilus was Sarco. Kulnura Ballerina shown by Helen McDonald on the Whangarei Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Vandaceous Alliance was V. Memoria Kay Killington grown by Ninox Orchids and shown on their display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Specimen Orchid was the giant Coelogyne cristata alba grown by Conrad Coenen and shown on the Tauranga Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Miscellaneous Genera was Zga. Queen of Adelaide x Zga. Freestyle Meadows grown by Ninox Orchids and shown on their stand. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Champion Australasian Native Orchid was Dendrobium ruppiosum grown by Helen McDonald and shown on the Whangarei Orchid Society display. Photo: Sandra Simpson
Judging of the plants and displays was co-ordinated by Murray Dean, chair of the Committee on Awards (part of the Orchid Council of NZ), and the entries and results collated by Martin Bonham. Thank you to you both for your work.